Monthly Archives: August 2018

Summer Moves On

DOC010 August Bouquet

Summer Moves On (an ovillejo)

Black-eyed Susan puts on a show,

summers go –

cicadas sing season’s song,

time moves on.

Corn grows sturdy and so tall,

soon comes fall.

Languid days that to us call,

August hours that give great joy,

but these moments are quite coy –

summers go, time moves on, soon comes fall.

Lainie Senechal

The ovillejo, which means ” tight little ball of twine”, is an old Spanish poetry form.  I learned the form from Rhina Espaillat.


Summer’s Bounty

PearsSeckel Pears

Summer’s Bounty

Bees float over lawn,

search for a spot

with small white clover.

Goldfinch’s yellow feathers

flash in large catmint

where it sits like a queen

on top of stalk to feast

on plant’s tiny seeds.

In the heart of summer

each creature secures

sustenance from the bounty

this season brings.

Lainie Senechal