Author Archives: Lainie

Early August & Announcement

08042017103209August Garden, Isle of Shoals

Early August

Pleasant days flow forward,

each following another.

Some hot and steamy,

with afternoon showers

to water the gardens,

clean and refresh the air.

Scent of lilies and ripe grasses
flood the senses,

cicadas’ raspy voices lift

on August’s light currents.

When the singular sound

becomes howl of winter winds,

these balmy hours will seem

only summer’s mirage.

Lainie Senechal

Annoucement: Lainie will participate in a poetry event with a reading a Whittier poem and original work son August 13 at the Whittier Home, 86 Friend St. Amesbury, MA.

7th Day of the 7th Month

Restless SeaRestless Sea

7th Day of the 7th Month

A path over sand dunes
to empty strand where
plovers construct their nests –
rhythm of sea flows
in and out with tides
as evening colors horizon.
No fright of approaching dark
nor a jump at shadows.
I look to the heavens,
to our time of reunion,
beyond this earth
in a universe of stars.

Lainie Senechal

Full Moon is a White Rose & Announcement

White Rose

Full Moon is a White Rose

The full moon is a white rose

dropping petals of light

along the bridge and

into the sparkling river.

They float on silver waves,

not to pollute, but to

revolve among the stars,

like whirling galaxies, creating
a mystical atmosphere
for their yearly rendezvous.

Lainie Senechal

Lainie will exhibit paintings and read her poetry at this event:

Tanabata – The Star Festival

A group exhibition from July 8th – July 31st.
Works inspired by the ancient legend of Tanabata.

Opening reception: Saturday, July 8th from 7 pm to 9 pm.
Poetry Reading from 8 pm at the Kaji Aso Studio, 40 St. Stephen St., Boston.


Mid-Summer & Announcement

scan 1-5.31.17Summer Sunset

Mid- Summer

Cacophony of sparrows

that nest in each corner

of porch break stillness

of lake absent of breezes.

All is calm except

occasional announcements

from boys’ camp

and a solitary speedboat,

skier in tow.

Waves from its wake

cause docks to creak,

for a moment,

then settle in to silence.

The lake and sky

remain serene, like lovers

after heat of passion subsides.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie will read poetry at 11 AM during Amesbury Days Art Show and Sale, Saturday, June 24th at City Hall, Amesbury, MA.

Spring’s Slow Start

scan 2 -5.31.17Pink Blossoms

Spring’s Slow Start

A cover of gray clouds

mars the spring sky.

Season starts slowly,

sun is only a tease

as we wait for warmth,

for cool hours to close.

Blossoms, soft as

silken gowns, open

to stain lake’s surface

with pollen’s yellow streaks.

Bees stay busy

gathering the bounty

before it blows away

in the brisk vernal breeze.

Lainie Senechal

Spring Flows Forward

Daffodil PairPair of Daffodils
Spring Flows Forward
Goldfinches’ smooth feathers

of satin yellow reflect

the daffodils’ golden hue,

whose leaves, like spears,

plunge into fresh spring air.

The season flows forward

from blossom to blossom

each with a particular aroma

that perfumes the vernal breeze.

Spring reaches its full strength

intoxicating even newly awakened bees.

Lainie Senechal

April 1st



April 1st
April is determined to

play its tricks on us.

We should be dancing

in the rain among daffodils

on a carpet of velvety mosses

that hide earthworms under

their mantle of green.

But, earth’s blanket

is, again, a white shawl,

the only dance –

flakes whirling in wind.

A few secrets are revealed:

goldfinches turn bright yellow,

the color of spring’s first blooms.

Lainie Senechal


Spring Rises & Announcement

Pussy WillowsPussy Willows

Spring Rises

Shoots of daffodils rise,

again, from frozen ground.

They have not forgotten

the time of season;

they dream of yellow

while tips of their stems,

like soft tongues,

are tempted to taste

the cool spring air.

Curtain descends on winter;

no stopping the progression.

Empty branches, which grate

against sturdy March winds,

bear rows of swelling buds.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement:  Lainie will host a reception for her exhibit of watercolors, The Language of Light, at the Provident Bank, 1Provident Way, Seabrook, NH from 5:30 – 7:30 PM.

Late Winter & Announcement

Darl clouds 2Dark Clouds

Late Winter

Late winter wind that

howled through budding branches,

chased clouds from night sky,

is mum in morning’s first moment.

Dawn’s bright light phosphoresces

off long slabs of ice that float

randomly on lake’s slight waves.

Seagulls line up in a row, ready

for the ride, and watch with wonder

the enfolding of spring.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: On March 23rd at 5:30PM there will be an opening for Lainie”s exhibit, The Language of Light, at The Provident Bank, 1 Provident Way (off of Lafayette Rd.), Seabrook, NH. Light refreshments.