Category Archives: Poetry

Autumn Runes

Yellow PearsYellow Pears

Autumn Runes

Cormorants’ silent migration

in irregular rune-like patterns:

a mystical message across

time and distance.

Leaves scattered along lake –

what mysteries do they possess

within their demise?

Nature has scratched a note
and stuck it upon the sky

about the change

as light fades slowly

into long obsidian nights.

Lainie Senechal


Apples with LeavesApples with Leaves


A break in the storm

brings balmy weather,

Changing leaves twist in breeze

but do not abandon branches.

Howling winds that chill toes,

toss branches like cabers

onto brown-hued fields

have not yet arrived.

In mid-October we wait

for transition of seasons:

the arc from warm, sultry days
into fall’s cool, brisk hours.

Dream of summer is long past
while autumn’s entrance
is inexplicably delayed.

Lainie Senechal

Autumn Knocks


Autumn Knocks

Things transition so slowly:

a few crisp mornings,

the birch barely bedecked

with a garland of golden leaves,

The wild winter ducks have

not returned from up north;

white gulls whirl in wind

to soar above a Great Blue

that still stilts along shore

searching for silver fish.

Autumn knocks on the door

but finds no one home.

Lainie Senechal

September Morning & Announcement

Two SunflowersSunflowers Awaken

September Morning

A morning of secrets –

a halo of mist rings

the cooling lake,

catches in branches

of tall trees along shore.

In some spots the sun

breaks through, bright

rays explode on ripples

created by rising wind which

cleans out remaining wisps,

pushes tethered boats

to rub and squeak against docks,

while a kingfisher rattles above:

the song of a September morn.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement:  Lainie will be exhibiting artwork with members of the Kaji Aso Studio at the Fenway Community Center, 1282 Boylston St., Boston. The exhibit runs from Sept. 1 through Dec. 31st with an opening reception on Sept. 16th from 3-5 PM.  Free and open to the public.

Late August Malaise

Grasses and flowers

Grasses and flowers

Late August Malaise

Near the end of August,

in the languor of hot, humid hours,

I begin to lose focus -

so many arrivals and departures:

beach plums appear, then ripen,

swallows gather in great numbers,

flit randomly in loose flocks,

staging their leave to southern skies.

After a season of protection

and careful noting of fecundity,

plovers have deserted the beach.

A memory returns of one

who left last summer,

not to reappear in our time;

another arrives from abroad.

Some leaves look weary, already

dropping their garment of green.

They release to run amok

among grasses that ripen to gold.

Nature looks overgrown

and dusty, not quite under control,

ready to let it all go.

Autumn will cool this clamor,

then winter will settle it all

under a blanket of white.

Lainie Senechal

7th Day of the 7th Month

Restless SeaRestless Sea

7th Day of the 7th Month

A path over sand dunes
to empty strand where
plovers construct their nests –
rhythm of sea flows
in and out with tides
as evening colors horizon.
No fright of approaching dark
nor a jump at shadows.
I look to the heavens,
to our time of reunion,
beyond this earth
in a universe of stars.

Lainie Senechal

Full Moon is a White Rose & Announcement

White Rose

Full Moon is a White Rose

The full moon is a white rose

dropping petals of light

along the bridge and

into the sparkling river.

They float on silver waves,

not to pollute, but to

revolve among the stars,

like whirling galaxies, creating
a mystical atmosphere
for their yearly rendezvous.

Lainie Senechal

Lainie will exhibit paintings and read her poetry at this event:

Tanabata – The Star Festival

A group exhibition from July 8th – July 31st.
Works inspired by the ancient legend of Tanabata.

Opening reception: Saturday, July 8th from 7 pm to 9 pm.
Poetry Reading from 8 pm at the Kaji Aso Studio, 40 St. Stephen St., Boston.


Mid-Summer & Announcement

scan 1-5.31.17Summer Sunset

Mid- Summer

Cacophony of sparrows

that nest in each corner

of porch break stillness

of lake absent of breezes.

All is calm except

occasional announcements

from boys’ camp

and a solitary speedboat,

skier in tow.

Waves from its wake

cause docks to creak,

for a moment,

then settle in to silence.

The lake and sky

remain serene, like lovers

after heat of passion subsides.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie will read poetry at 11 AM during Amesbury Days Art Show and Sale, Saturday, June 24th at City Hall, Amesbury, MA.