Tag Archives: art

Red Amaryllis

IMAG0031Red Amaryllis

Red Amaryllis

The amaryllis bulb in window

sprouts fresh, green leaves

and a ruby red bulb

while the wild winter winds

howl through day and night.

A fire in the hearth,

with a woodsy scent

like some special incense,

warms the cold room.

From the decay of season

rises a dream of emerging spring.

Lainie Senechal

Sanctuary #2

Peaceful Moon

Peaceful Moon

Sanctuary #2

Winter needs no permission

for its collection of clouds

that carry snowy storms.

Our judgement may not

rejoice in the acceptance

of this season’s situation.

Some nights, however,

in the still, crisp air

the full moon spreads

its pale light over

the alabaster landscape -

brings a sense of sanctuary

to the troubled soul.

Lainie Senechal

Web of Seasons

Scan1Apples with Oak Leaf

Web of Seasons

Leaves have left the trees

and wild turkeys trot

along the edge of fallow fields.

Caught in the web of seasons,

one wishes for a smooth road.

However, the weather brings

a variety of conditions –

sometimes a run of warm days

followed by a blast that

touches to the bone.

One wonders, will the eye

of winter steady this situation?

Lainie Senechal

Spot of Beauty & Announcement


Spot of Beauty

Spot of Beauty

Spot of Beauty

Breath of a breeze

blows a rush of leaves –

they rustle in hues

of red, yellow and gold,

sparkling in the autumn sun

like some precious jewels.

Squirrels take no notice

while digging holes for

next season’s stores.

One needs to embrace

this spot of beauty,

soon only the bare branches

of winter’s cold landscape

will remain.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie will have artwork in the exhibit “On the Edge of Light” from November 9, 2020 to January, 28, 2021 at Amesbury City Hall, Amesbury, MA.

Autumn’s Journey

Autumn Gathering #1

Autumn Gathering #1

Autumn’s Journey

The glow of evening

quivers on slight waves.

A silhouetted sailboat floats

to shore in a field of

the day’s last bright sun,

while the soft wind preens

fronds of the evergreen.

When the outer light lessens

the spirit begins its autumn

journey, slowly digging down

to illuminate the waiting heart.

Lainie Senechal

Mid- July

Blue Hydrangea

Blue Hydrangea


Pulse of July’s languid hours:

blueberries ripening to deep purple,

lilies aligned in colorful arrays.

Ivory egrets, with graceful steps,

scout among green marsh grasses

that bend in warmer winds.

Heat and humidity have arrived;

energy is lost to move one muscle.

When winter’s blast whitens land

regrets will arise for passing

of these fair summer days.

Lainie Senechal

Journey to Spring & Announcement

Sunset, Lake attitashSunset, Lake Attitash

Journey to Spring

Some days are bright and warm,

followed by cold and snow.

Like the motion of the tides

or the moon, once full, now waning –

the season ebbs and flows

on its slow journey to spring.

Lake’s surface becomes too soft

to support those that fish through ice.

We are headed into a new situation,

wondering how it will unfold.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie’s paintings will be on display at the headquarters of the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge during the month of March 2020.