Tag Archives: nature

Eagle Sleeps

img-X01010841-0001Ruler of the Wind

Eagle Sleeps

Low on horizon full moon sends

swirl of sparks along the waves.

An eagle sleeps in tall pine

digesting recent meal.

Light sifts softly through

dark green needles;

creates a rich landscape,

otherworldly and imaginative,

where new life forms could arise

and unexpected changes may occur.

Lainie Senechal

This poem was a winning entry in the Eagle Festival Poetry Contest, Joppa Flats Education Center, Newburyport, MA

My Resolutions

Who's There!Who’s There!

My Resolutions

To gaze upward; stare
at ever shifting sky;
keep my head in clouds
as they fly across
each facet of the moon.

To never neglect nuances
of various seasons:
first snowdrop to
don its ivory bell;
song sparrow’s sweet trill
in morning’s twilight;
sun’s shimmer on summer sand;
sea’s warm, salty embrace;
a yellow leaf that lands blithely,
ragged calligraphy of cormorants
across autumn’s dome;
solitary flake silently drifting
in brittle air of a frigid night;
frolic of flames in hearth.
These matters I will regard.

To exist in the twinkling of time;
cease memory’s constant churning;
abandon tomorrow’s anxious hours;
be mindful each minute
of every golden hour.


This poem was chosen has the featured entry (1 of 2 chosen) in January 2015 on the website hourofwrites.com.  The judge, poet Mark Ward, says, “The standout line for me is ‘calligraphy of cormorants’ which is a wonderfully evocative image.  I also liked the use of alliteration throughout the poem.”





Low beams of light

shimmer in leaves;

flutter of canaries’ wings,

bristle of fox fur.

Even the tamarack

has traded its green innocence

for a tattered coat of burnt umber.

You arrive with your flattery,

your sultry songs, where

buffleheads dive and bob

among wind-driven wavelets

that spark in the sun.

I have no choice but to

succumb to your charms.


Lainie Senechal