Tag Archives: poetry

Autumn’s Journey

Autumn Gathering #1

Autumn Gathering #1

Autumn’s Journey

The glow of evening

quivers on slight waves.

A silhouetted sailboat floats

to shore in a field of

the day’s last bright sun,

while the soft wind preens

fronds of the evergreen.

When the outer light lessens

the spirit begins its autumn

journey, slowly digging down

to illuminate the waiting heart.

Lainie Senechal

Mid- July

Blue Hydrangea

Blue Hydrangea


Pulse of July’s languid hours:

blueberries ripening to deep purple,

lilies aligned in colorful arrays.

Ivory egrets, with graceful steps,

scout among green marsh grasses

that bend in warmer winds.

Heat and humidity have arrived;

energy is lost to move one muscle.

When winter’s blast whitens land

regrets will arise for passing

of these fair summer days.

Lainie Senechal

Journey to Spring & Announcement

Sunset, Lake attitashSunset, Lake Attitash

Journey to Spring

Some days are bright and warm,

followed by cold and snow.

Like the motion of the tides

or the moon, once full, now waning –

the season ebbs and flows

on its slow journey to spring.

Lake’s surface becomes too soft

to support those that fish through ice.

We are headed into a new situation,

wondering how it will unfold.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie’s paintings will be on display at the headquarters of the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge during the month of March 2020.


Paper White NarcissusPaper White Narcissus


February first, a great spring festival

for the Celts, who waited

through a tired winter

to face the fresh air

of a new season

and sweep out winter’s lint.

Bellies now full with

milk from sheep’s freshening,

after their lambs were born.

A time to look forward

to the plowing of fields

and first planting of seeds.

Lainie Senechal

Autumn Begins & Announcement

09252019134526-0001Autumn Assemblage

Autumn Begins

Cool, salty winds blow in

from distant shore.

Sweet, sultry, Southern air

departs with summer sun.

Shelter of green leaves

becomes quite sparse,

as colorful remnants

fly in blustery breezes.

We gaze at evening’s low clouds,

color of purple wine -

wait for the long nights

 and melancholy autumn days.

Lainie Senechal

Announcement: Lainie’s paintings will be on display at Amesbury City Hall beginning September 30 through January in a group exhibit titled “Transitions”.  The opening is Wednesday, October 2nd from 6-8 pm.